Where To Get Sandbags
The Street and Sanitation Division of the Burbank Public Works Department offers sandbags to residents of Burbank.
Pre-Filled Sandbags
Burbank residents who have received a "Post-Fire Burn Area Mitigation Advice" form from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works may pick up pre-filled sandbags from the City of Burbank Public Works yard (124 South Lake Ave) between the hours of 7:00am and 4:00pm weekdays. Residents will need to show both proof of residency as well as bring their Mitigation Advice form that was provided to them by Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. Residents may pick up as many as 50 pre-filled sandbags (not to exceed the number indicated on the advice form if less than 50). Those needing additional sandbags can receive self-fill sand bags as indicated.
The City of Burbank does not deliver sandbags and placement of the sandbags is the responsibility of the property owner, resident or occupant. Suggestions for property owners, residents and occupants with physical limitations should seek the aid of friends and family members for assistance, see if their gardener/landscaper can assist with this or contact a handyman or other similar service (note that gardeners/landscapers, handyman or similar services may charge a fee for this assistance). Please be aware that property owner, resident or occupant obtaining pre-filled sandbags from the public works yard must still accompany the person(s) assisting in order to show proof of residency as well as provide the "Post-Fire Mitigation Advise" form in order to obtain pre-filled sandbags.
Please make sure and maintain any sandbags that you place, sandbags can easily become damaged or deteriorate over time and will no longer perform the job intended and may in fact contribute to the problem instead. Please check your sandbags before and after every storm for any damage or deterioration and maintain, repair or replace as needed. Any resident that believes they need more than 50 sandbags should contact Burbank Public Works at 818-238-3800; Public Works will send a representative out to your property to determine the need for additional sandbags or will advise the resident on the best course of action.
How to Place Sandbags:
Only fill sandbags approximately half full
Place sandbags lengthwise parallel to the direction of the flow of water with the open side of the sandbag facing the flow of water
Fold the open flap down and back under the full sandbags pulling the bag as taught as possible
Place sandbags as close to each other as possible with no gap or space between bags
Stamp down each sandbag after placing to fill any empty spaces and form a tight seal between bags
Sandbag Limitations:
Sandbags do NOT keep water out!!! Sandbags are to channel debris and to some extent channel water
Sandbags are best used for low-flow protection, short distance runs and heights under 2 feet (for high-flow, long distance runs or over 2 feet in height, other methods such as pipe & board should be used)
Sandbags easily become damaged or can deteriorate, sandbags should be inspected before and after every storm and be maintained, repaired or replaced as needed